

In an effort to support teachers for remote instruction, we’ve curated resources that are readily accessible and usable to promote high-quality learning experiences in a remote instructional context.

Digital Active Learning Strategies

Presented by the UCI Teacher Academy

The Basics of Teaching Online

The Occidental College World Language Project (OCWLP) developed materials to support teachers moving instruction online. These resources are useful for all instructors moving to online teaching.

UCI School of Education Online Learning Research Center

This site provides evidence-based resources for educators, students and researchers to improve achievement and equity in online learning. As instructors become more comfortable in this environment, the information on Improving Online Courses offers guidance for improving the quality of teaching in an online environment.

International Society for Technology in Education Blog for Remote Teaching

ISTE has a long history of supporting educators to engage students in rich digital learning experiences. This blog highlights the latest news to support teachers as they move to this new space.

The Spanish Experiment

Illustrated stories read aloud in Spanish

The Fable Cottage

Illustrated stories read aloud in Spanish and other languages

Colorin Colorado

A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners

Staying Grounded when Teaching Remotely

Provides a webinar series to support educators to stay grounded in the best practices of science teaching and learning while they shift to remote learning during school closures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

CLEAN (Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network)

Free, ready-to-use learning resources aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards, reviewed by educators and scientists,  suitable for secondary through higher education classrooms.


Climate science resources reviewed by researchers and teachers educators for teachers to use and learn about climate science and for students to connect with experts in the field.

iHub Biology Curriculum

High school biology NGSS-aligned curriculum


Online materials for middle school, NGSS-aligned curriculum

iEngineering Curriculum

Equity, social justice focused curriculum for middle school engineering.

STEM Teaching Tools

PD modules and more, offering 1 pagers to help teachers in specific areas of instruction like phenomena, modeling, and honoring indigenous communities.

Ambitious Science Teaching Unit Bundles

Developed at the University of Washington, these materials provide model plans to support K12 science teachers implementation. The Ambitious Science Teaching site includes materials and resources for adapting curriculum to align with the Next Generation Science Standards.

Next Generation Science Storyline

Tools that support teachers in developing, adapting, and teaching with strongly aligned NGSS materials in classrooms around the country, developed by researchers at Northwestern University

Inside Mathematics

A collection of teacher resources, videos, assessments and Problems of the Month for grades K12.

Illustrative Mathematics

Online mathematics curriculum materials for middle and early secondary mathematics.


Developed by leading mathematics educator and researcher, Jo Boaler, provides materials for teachers, parents, and school leaders.

Teaching Inquiry-Based Math Virtually Using Pear Deck, Grades K-6

Presented by the UCI Teacher Academy, this introduction to Pear Deck will allow you to experience different ways to lead inquiry learning virtually and formatively assess students by allowing them to share their thinking in real-time (synchronously) or asynchronously (through student self-paced lessons).

Teaching Inquiry-Based Math Virtually Using Pear Deck, Grades 6-12

Presented by the UCI Teacher Academy, this introduction to Pear Deck will allow you to experience different ways to lead inquiry learning virtually and formatively assess students by allowing them to share their thinking in real-time (synchronously) or asynchronously (through student self-paced lessons).

Toy Theater

Virtual math manipulatives for distance learning.


Leveled text, current news articles for k-12, with standards-aligned lesson supports built for ELA instruction.

Project Gutenberg

A library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired.


Vetted, grade-level Lesson Plans, mini-lessons, and unit plans aligned reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Created by ELA teachers for ELA teachers

University of Connecticut Writing Center Collaborative Writing Resources

Tools and resources that include ideas, research, and worksheets to help instructors integrate collaborative writing projects (CWPs) into their curriculum.

Digital Media and Literacy

Resources and tools for teachers to support students’ development of digital and media literacy.

“Write. Right. Rite.” Series

A timely video series in which Jason Reynolds, the National Ambassador for Young Peoples’ Literature (Library of Congress), shares his passion for storytelling and provides students with a writing prompt to promote authentic expression with the goal of encouraging young people to share their own stories.

California History-Social Science Project #CHSSPLive

Lessons, strategies, and primary sources to support teachers and parents engage students in historical thinking around present-day concerns, including activities connecting COVID19 to the past and historical thinking skills. The Student Journal assignment engages kids in documenting the current crisis, providing students with an opportunity to observe and reflect on this moment in time. Lesson topics relevant for K-12.

Lost LA Curriculum Project

Standards-aligned and inquiry-based curriculum focused on local history. Each lesson includes KCET documentary excerpts, primary and secondary sources, assessments, and extension opportunities. Lesson topics relevant for K-12.

PBS Learning Media

Short, targeted video clips supported by teaching materials that include background reading and inquiry questions. Teachers can search by course, time period, and type of resource.

Annenberg Classroom

Videos, games, lessons, and timelines for middle and high school students to study the Constitution and its relevance through Supreme Court cases.

Read Inquire Write

Free curriculum and tools for teaching reading, reasoning, and writing with sources through social studies inquiry. Created for middle school students.

Stanford History Education Group Civic Online Reasoning Curriculum

Free curriculum to support students’ critical reading and reasoning of online texts.

Historical Thinking Matters

Free access to curriculum and lesson plans to support inquiry-based instruction in the secondary social science classroom.

MS Word Planning Templates and Calendar for PBL

Explore PBL in greater detail with Acacia Warren, Single Subject Coordinator of the UCI School of Education’s MAT + Credential Program. Create a PBL unit on any topic in any discipline while you read. View an animated preview of the book here.

Sample PBL Units Completed by UCI MAT Single Subject Teacher Candidates

More Sample PBL Units Completed by UCI MAT Single Subject Teaching Candidates

Occidental College World Language Project (OCWLP)

A guide to free digital resources that will allow instructors to create assessments for remote learning. Teachers can consider how to develop assessments to measure students’ responses in written and oral presentation formats.

WRITE Center

Digital tools and tips for teachers to formatively assess students.

Choice Boards

Free premium access at the moment for educators. Great tool for polling, live Q & A, and engaging audience throughout your lesson/presentation seamlessly (compatible with Zoom, Google Slides, Powerpoint, Keynote, etc.)


Choice Boards are being used by teachers to offer students opportunities to show their learning in a variety of ways. This blog post provides guidance to develop one for your class. Some examples for: ELA and history.