March 2025

March 1st, 13th, 20th, April 5th – Solidarity et al.

Solidarity et al. is a history & ethnic studies professional development series supporting Assembly Bill No. 1805, which emphasizes teaching Mendez et al. v. Westminster. This PD series highlights the history of education segregation in Orange County during the 1940s and the intersections of Japanese American history and the Mendez et al v. Westminster case with the goal of empowering students to be leaders and show solidarity in their own communities.


March 5 – Irvine Math Project Elevate Your Teaching: Equivalent Fractions and Fraction Addition

This PD session is focused on grades 4-5 teachers, understanding how to progress from the concrete to pictorial to abstract using multiple representations to develop fluency with fraction equivalence and addition. This PD session is free to 3 teachers for invited districts only.


March 5 – Irvine Math Project Elevate Your Teaching: Grades 4-5 Fractions

This is a one day, stand-alone session on fraction equivalence and addition/subtraction of fractions. IMP is inviting approximately 15 OC districts with which we have not worked recently to send up to three teachers or TOSAs. This is intended to introduce or reintroduce ourselves to these districts and hopefully begin a dialogue about their math PD needs.


March 8 – UCI Science Project Computer Science Community of Practice

The UCI Science Project is exploring strategies and structures to develop teacher efficacy and understanding of computer science for upper elementary to middle school STEM teachers by establishing a Community of Practice (CoP) during the 2024-2025 school year. This CoP will focus on three primary outcomes:

  • Integration of Computational Thinking Practices into STEM pedagogy
  • Shared understanding of approaches to embed computer science topics, ideas and experiences into classroom practice
  • Increased collective teacher efficacy towards computing.


March 12 Irvine Math Project Elevate Your Teaching: Systems of Equations

This PD session is targeted at grades 8 or IM 1/Algebra I teachers to understand how to progress from the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract using multiple representations to develop fluency in solving systems of linear equations. This PD session is free to 3 teachers from invited districts only.


March 4th,6th,11th, 13th NGSS Certification: Tier 1

Transform Your Science Classroom

This UCISP program will provide you with the tools to transform your science classroom. You’ll delve into the intricacies of 3D instruction, aligning your lessons with NGSS standards. By centering student thinking and experiences around anchoring phenomena, you’ll foster a deeper understanding of science concepts. These sessions will offer opportunities for reflection and practical application, empowering you to create engaging and effective science learning experiences. Participants can register to earn 2 quarter units of professional development credit through UCI DCE.


March 5th, 27th & April 10th NGSS Certification: Tier 2

Deepen Your Science Pedagogy with NGSS Certification Tier 2

Create a more inclusive and effective science classroom. This online program will help you foster a welcoming and affirming learning environment, deepen your understanding of 3D learning, implement equitable science instruction strategies, and reflect on your own practice through peer feedback. The four 2-hour online sessions, and asynchronous activities will provide opportunities to examine current research, engage in science learning experiences and assessments. Participation in the Tier 1 NGSS Modules is recommended, but not required for Tier 2 modules. A small number of scholarships are available for individuals participating without District funding. 


March 22  – Bodies in Motion: Investigating Creative Dance, Southern Counties California Arts Project *Partner offering

For TK-12 educators! Explore the elements of dance and develop your dancing skills as we generate ideas for bringing movement into the classroom. No Dance experience necessary.

For more information, click here

April 2025

April 26th – Centering Students in Science Classrooms

This workshop focuses on creating inclusive and engaging science classrooms for all students. We’ll explore research-based strategies that center student experiences, valuing their backgrounds, languages, and cultures. Participants will engage in interactive activities and learn how to incorporate these diverse perspectives into their science teaching. By leveraging and promoting student-centered learning, we can foster a more inclusive and engaging science learning environment for all.


April 26th – Lines in Motion: Investigating Contour Drawing, Southern Counties California Arts Project *Partner offering

Explore the art of contour line drawing, develop your drawing skills, and discover approaches to bring visual arts in the classroom. For TK-12 educators, no Visual Arts experience necessary.

For more information, click here.

May 2025


June 2025

June 10, 11, 24, 25 – Computer Science Community of Practice

The UCI Science Project is exploring strategies and structures to develop teacher efficacy and understanding of computer science for upper elementary to middle school STEM teachers by establishing a Community of Practice (CoP) during the Summer. This CoP will focus on three primary outcomes:
Integration of Computational Thinking Practices into STEM pedagogy.

Shared understanding of approaches to embed computer science topics, ideas and experiences into classroom practice.

Increased collective teacher efficacy towards computing


June 10 & 11 – Oral History as Community History: Foundations and Futures Summer 2025 Workshop

Teachers selected for the Oral History as Community History: Foundations and Futures workshop will learn with scholars, archivists and teacher leaders in order to integrate oral histories into their classrooms K-12 classrooms. The program’s goal will be to create learning opportunities for students to engage in the work of documenting and analyzing community stories to create a classroom archive.


June 23 – July 18 – Summer Institute 2025 – Into the Wild: Writing Beyond Boundaries

The Summer Institute is the centerpiece of the UCI Writing Project. It is an invigorating four-week seminar for teachers (pre-k through university). This year, the theme is “Into the Wild: Writing Beyond Boundaries.” Each fellow accepted to our program might interpret the theme differently. It might mean throwing caution to the wind in our writing, defying writing norms, going wild with writing strategies, supporting our students in their wild writing, or even literally going into the wild to write! In the summer of 2025, we’re going to challenge our fellows to expand the boundaries of what counts as writing (and “good” writing), and to consider how they can provide their wild students with writing access and opportunities. Our project always recruits teachers of all levels. We often get many middle and high school teachers, so we also want to encourage elementary and early childhood teachers to also apply this year. This project is great for elementary teachers, too. Those young kids are also wild!


June 26, July 10 & 17 – Demystifying the CAST: Unlocking Student Success through Assessment

Dive into the heart of science assessment with our focused two-hour workshop. We’ll dissect the structure of the California Science Test (CAST) and unravel its crucial role in the California School Dashboard, highlighting the impact on students, schools, and districts. Participants will have the opportunity to survey test and dashboard details, examining performance tasks as powerful assessment tools, and exploring a wealth of resources to navigate the landscape of student understanding. This is the foundational session of a three-part series, paving the way for deeper exploration of the CAST and impactful classroom assessment strategies.

Secure your spot for $25 if registered early (June 1st), or $50 thereafter.


July 2025

April 26th – TCAP’s 17th Courageous Creativity Conference, Southern Counties California Arts Project *Partner offering

Courageous Creativity is an arts education leadership conference grounded in the aspirations of the CA Arts Education Framework, CA Arts Standards, and the opportunities presented by the Arts and Music in Schools Funding (AMS).

For more information, click here.

July 10 & 17 – Demystifying the CAST: Unlocking Student Success through Assessment

Dive into the heart of science assessment with our focused two-hour workshop. We’ll dissect the structure of the California Science Test (CAST) and unravel its crucial role in the California School Dashboard, highlighting the impact on students, schools, and districts. Participants will have the opportunity to survey test and dashboard details, examining performance tasks as powerful assessment tools, and exploring a wealth of resources to navigate the landscape of student understanding. This is the foundational session of a three-part series, paving the way for deeper exploration of the CAST and impactful classroom assessment strategies.

Secure your spot for $25 if registered early (June 1st), or $50 thereafter.


July 22, 24 & 29 – Climate Literacy and CA AB 285: Supporting Science Education in a Changing World

California’s Assembly Bill 285 (CA 285) calls for 1st-12th grade science teachers to address the causes and effects of climate change, and to explore strategies communities can use to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis. This workshop series is designed to directly support you in addressing this important topic within your curriculum. We will focus on building your understanding of climate literacy, providing practical examples of classroom implementation, exploring relevant data and resources, and offering opportunities to learn from climate specialists. You will leave with the tools to develop a climate integration plan for your classroom. This is the first of three workshops that will guide you in preparing students to navigate a future in a changing world.

Early registration is $50 (before June 1st), with a fee of $75 thereafter.


August 2025
September 2025
October 2025
November 2025

Want to connect with the Teacher Academy?

University of California, Irvine
410 E Peltason Dr, Suite 250,
Irvine, CA 92697