Impacting Education
2023 – 2024

engaged in our programs last year, enhancing their teaching practices and leadership skills.

22 District
across Southern California in Orange, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Riverside, to enact district priorities.

19 Long-term Programs
with over 20 hours of professional learning for participating teachers.

30 Open
including workshops, conferences, scholarly talks, and book clubs, to support learning and community.

6 Curricula
co-developed with teachers and implemented with students: Financial Literacy, Central American Studies, Chicano Park, Youth Participatory Action Research for Environmental Justice, 1619 Education Network, and NGSS Scope and Sequence.
Our Work
District Partnerships
We collaborate with school leaders to develop tailored professional development and signature programming for teachers to implement state policy, frameworks and standards, and to meet LCAP priorities. Our work also includes: curriculum development, materials adoption, and lesson study and PLCs.
Learning Communities
We organize research-based professional development for practicing K-12 teachers that centers teachers’ needs and expertise to create and sustain learning communities. Teachers engage in research and continuous improvement of their instruction in collaboration with colleagues.
Leading Instructional Change
We believe that teachers are the agents of change for improving education for Orange County youth. We build and sustain learning and leadership opportunities through open workshops and district partnerships for educators to inform research and practice that lead to equitable educational outcomes.

University of California, Irvine
410 E Peltason Dr, Suite 250,
Irvine, CA 92697
About Us
Upcoming Workshops