
Offering a home for teachers to collaborateinspire and lead

The UCI Teacher Academy provides a home for teachers and school leaders to develop and enhance their professional practice and inspire and lead others in transforming instruction. We see teachers as the agents of change for improving educational opportunities – and educational systems broadly – for youth. We seek to leverage and advance research on teaching and teacher development, and provide opportunities for teachers and school leaders to generate and inform research and practice. This work is led by the California Subject Matter Partnerships, as well as teacher educators and researchers in the School of Education, and across the university, who are committed to improving the lives of youth through education.

Upcoming Workshops

Centering Students in Science Classrooms

April 24

Summer Youth Program 2025

June – August, 2025

UCI Science Project Computer Science Community of Practice

March 8

Teacher Voices

Learning from and connecting with other teachers, new and veteran… Because I teach secondary (and the senior level), it is especially important for me to know what is expected for them to know when they leave me and hopefully go on to post-secondary educational institutes. I continue to learn from college professors as well as sharing what I do in the classroom to support our students.”

Joy Okada

Being at the forefront of cutting-edge and vital pedagogies connected to various literacies—such as civic literacy, reading/ writing literacy, and disciplinary literacy—in the field of History Social Science (HSS) has been transformative.”

Adam Wemmer

Want to connect with the Teacher Academy?

University of California, Irvine
410 E Peltason Dr, Suite 250,
Irvine, CA 92697